Sunday, July 30, 2006
jus now service was GREAT !!hahas..the presence of God was so powerful!! really wanna say to those to miss it.. U REALLY MISS IT!! it was so wonderful n fantestic !! hahas.. so the next round don miss it okie..jus be there to build the atmosphere even u may not need to be delievered !! HAHAS.. normal lohs...fine fine..everything fine fine..children church also .. hahas..erm wanna noe more go to Eileen blog .. hahas.. hehes.. humm...glad to see our friends respone to altar call n even go down for DELIEVERANCE!! was so surprise n SHOCK! hahahas..yah , really .. we cannot limit God ! n we could not deny tat His presence was so powerful n REAL !! not jus to us but to everyone..jus seeing whether u really open ur heart out allow God to speak to u n touch u...
erm..lot more to say.. but deciede not to blog too much ... hahas.. really hope to see our cg friends they will noe God more n grow in Him day by day ..hope they will not be like the friends we have in the commitment level or no relationship with God..humm.cannot jus hope or wish.. but mus have FAITH !! pray for them everyday .. we want cg to GROW N MUTIPLY!!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
humm..still wearing my school skirt now hahas..OH NO! gonna go study liao.. no time to waste ..
bye !! update again..
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
enjoy the following pics.. rem to tag !!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
so tiring today .. sick sick.. but thank God i still manage to go to school today .. hehex.. sore throat not very bad now liao lahs..but flu getting worse.... i scare day by day it will be even more worse.. dunno how lahs.. hahas .. of course is PRAY lah!! prayers open the door mah.. hahahas..h0pe i can still manage to attend school tml.. tml got photography club mtg..die die mus go.. if not scolded by senior again..i very scare almost most of the weeks she so fierce..hahas .. but of course i don blame her cos her intention was good de mahs.. .. hahahas... went to City Hall with Eileen for her BS , n JP n Shihui to but lino sheet..erm..quite fun lahs..i love going to suntec church office! the feeling is so great.. so great so great .. heex .. h0pe every week can go there... hahahas.. erm..reach home around 9plus..did some research on the hist.. hmm... mus study hard lohs...
jia you jia you bahs !! mus show them my BEST attitude.. be a good testimony ...
study hard too !! Target is to hit my study hr ,15hrs this week !!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

-In the Bus , on the way back to Yishun-
-Dark dark de -

HEY!! jus now forget to blog this.. i can baptize liao !! asked my father..hope he wont last min back up....Pls pray for me!! i need ur prayers!! thanks alot..i will blog more next need to go n study ...
10 July 2006
Nth much happen today , Shimin n Shirlynn went to my house n do the science project on energy .. hehex.. had lots of fun together...
hum..nth much to say also...its just funny n enjoyable..took some pictures too .. but too bad i m not able to upload it...
11 July 2006
Wow today is my bday!! hehehex... go to school so happily !! When i reach school hall...Shirlynn gave me the bottles of STARS that she made for me last touched.the bottles of stars was so classmates gave me greetings too..hehex.. cos they knew it last minute..hehex..but i m very happy today!! But u noe , i wasted my day !! i sleep at 7 pm!! Bday lehx..haiz..wasted it away..didnt sing bday song nor eat cake..but have a good rest indeed..of course .. sleep sp early .. hahahas..
12 July 2006
Was not tired today as ytd had a good a PIG!! sleep so long...reach school , forget everything!! Ytd sleep the whole night , didnt do my homework n forget to bring!!OH NO!! hahas..alot of ppl ddidnt do also..almost half of the class , so stand for half of a period..after that had the science test , on acids n alkali..that topic i wasnt very sure,somemore due to ytd too tired only study for 30min..but thank God my basic for the topic was quite good..erm...i think i will not fail .. but everything is not sure yet..mus wait till i get back my test paper..
I have Science power group today , reach home around 4..then da jie call me said tat since ytd didnt celebrate n sun the trip to far east didnt buy anything , she n er jie decided to bring me to Doby Gout PS da jie at around til 10plus...HAD A GREAT TIME SHOPPING!!
bought a Jacket from 77th street at $35 , a half jacket from ebase at $16plus and a watch at $10..
but , i m still not SATISFIED!! will definately do more shopping when i have the time and money..
13 July 2006 until tired..hahas..but i'm not sleepy when i reach school,n i m not a person who doze off in class or sleep in class okie..will jus feel ah..Thurs..nth much happen..the teachers say they see great potential in me , n say i have leadership quality..erm..i believe i have but ... how m i going to .. achieve it ?? can u give me some advice??
14 July 2006
Went to study with Eileen,Vivian,Teng at mac..hehex..didnt much spend most of the time talking..
Finally,decided to accompany teng go cut hair..hahas...We very steady de..teng jus say she wanna cut hair then we accompany her go to ang moi kio de ST , stella .. hehex..waited for a long time
..then go home quite late..Literally BANG into a person..dunno wats the person name .. but BANG into a person is really so scary..some more tat person so black..haahas..sorry ...
15 July 2006
hehex i did my extra part for that person,went to her hse to teach her tution..haiz..ermm..hopes she understands wat m i teaching her..after that went to fetch the kids to church..1st time doing it on my own without Sihui! late for bus somemore!!!
after children church svr same same ddo return bus .. then reach expo at 440plus..hehex..but not long leen will do also .. yeah yeah =D
svr was good..but today so little ppl came to scr n fellowship..
16 July 2006
morning went for svr , then prayer meeting .. then go fellowship at Tamp..had a JO fam ..
left WANYI JOyee VIVAIN JOcelyn EVELYN JOsephine (JOe) SHUHUI JOserlyn EILEEN JOreen
took some pics with wanyi too...
17 July 2006
went to school .. thanks for leenx!! ur morning call..appreciate it alot...
18 July 2006
today have sci power group..went to computer n go to .. did some was fun..i like it i is much more easier to understand...
after that aorund 315 went to the ARTroom to carve my stuffs..n i m SO TOUCH!!
thanks Lilin..Really thank u !! did thought u will give me a present!!when i receive i was so surprise !! really thanks for the effort made..n the is okie that u r late.. BUT .. I m really so HAPPY !! it jus brightens up my day .. really cant explain n express the happiness !! hehex.. but really THANK U .. it is glad to have u as a friend..u r so kind .. so nice.. n also .. so pretty!!
well..ur bday i will not forget .. u're such a nice person !!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Birhday celebration n SABO by my BELOVED cg member!!
The children church svr was great... I love the new song!! hahas..
so went to eat after svr..then took the bus to expo..yEAH!!this week reach church quite early..not as last time reach at 456..or even reach during worship...hahas...
and same , the svr was GREAT too !! hehex...but jus that i don quite understand wat Rev Robb Thompson said..abit confusing...cos of his english..hahas..
then after svr , Eileen they all ran away!! to Tam n buy the cake for me n jun jie..hehex...
so reach tam,eat..then they play blind mice!!i know..very clearly...wat is going to happen..of course , didnt thought of the DISGUSTING SABO!! haas..Choose me n JJ to be the blind mice,of course noe wat liao lo. hahas...
WOW...really can see the effort n heart n the XIN YI they have ..hehex..felt very blessed..happy n touched..
but the sabo , made by sugar barley soda water all this .. WATER BOMB!! is more than jus a water bomb!! DIAOXX..
okie fine..hahas..forget the sabo lahs..hahas..really like the present alot..!! A bag,a pair of shoes n a shirt .. hehex... n the card!! so nice !! hehex...jus dunno how to explain , but is really nice!! hehex..really appreciate u guys!! ALL the bday msg!!
aiya too bad no camera to take smile cheer cheer....!!
hehex..actual bday is 11 July worx....
Saturday, July 08, 2006
YEAH!! Finally this time is 15hrs!! ya i noe i m not been hitting my study hr...hehex..but there's a improve!! thank God for tat...althought i m not quite sure whether need to hit 20hrs or 15hrs..hahas..thats'funny rite?? a person collecting study hr dunno need to hit how many hrs..haas!!!
Feel that smth is changing .. changing better... is like everything is more fine n done proably...
hehex..i like this sem alot alot more than last sem...quite a number of ppl r feeling this way too.. hehex..
dunno y ... super happy...looking forward to my birthday..i wonder how many ppl rem my birthday horrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....... is the heart n XIN YI tats matters okie..see whether u really make tat part as a frend to rem my birthday...hehex...if u r a person that have STM(short term memory) jus as like me.. u can jot it in down in a note book...or set reminders in ur hp..even friendster have birthday reminders to remind us...hehex..
Er jie bringing me to Zinc soon..i wanna buy a bag..heex...plan proably liao .....wat i wan i already plan OK liao..hehex..
Tml is Pst Robb Thompson..that going to be GREAT rite?
hehe i'm sure..
hahas yeah! tml no need to do return bus..can reach church earlier already..h0pe that this week i wont miss any praise or worship...=))
One reminder for n184 students...Remember to count ur study hr okie..i will be collecting every Sunday during cg time..
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Monday, July 03, 2006
I ate alot alot alot of potato chips today..its so fattening!!
Have a bowl of porridge n some veggie for my breadfast..then began to eat potato chips..aiyo! super unhealthy lehz..just now ate 1 orea wafer stick somemore.. unhealthy!! hahas..gotta stay healthy n strong rite ?? hahas..gotta pay more attention to wat i eat..cannot eat anymore thing liao..only can eat dinner...mus stay healthy!! hehe..
but's one thing tat makes me happy today!!I have $40 !! wow thank God for the blessing..but i need to give cg fund $10..sob sob...hahahas..CHEER UP !!
hehex..lame lame..hehex...bubbye..update next time..=D
Sunday, July 02, 2006
1 July 2006
Started the day with Children church..hahas Rickson late !! So i help him to buy the sweets..So do return with him also..Haiz..5pm still at same as last week..took cab down to expo..Reach there worship sad .. miss the praise..hahas nvm..the svr was good..but i was sooooo tired..nearly fall asleep..this is the 1st time tat i ever feel so sleepy this year during svr..haas..after svr went to fellowship with cg..then go home...=))
2 July 2006
Yeah!! today cg 2 pm .. no need to wake up so early..cos Sat is really a long day for went for cg at Shu Hui hse...dunno y i like cg to be at her hse ... !! so great today cell grp..feel so charge up once again!!hehe..hope every cg mtg will be like tat..=) hehe..they r opening tution classes..GREAT!! i like it..hehex..
we celebrated Waiteng birthday after cg..SABO!! haiz..hope i would get this kind of sabo...gonna pray hard!!hahas..cannot go to fellowship with them cos later need to bring gong gong out..heex..okie lahz..look forward to later..hehe..Hope got enough time to go fareast later cos i wanna buy the ZINC bag !!