This internet connection is really getting me on my nerve! The connection has been running so slow ever since i got back home using and this is surely not the 1st time such thing happens. This has been happening for countless times already. Yes, countless, i've lost count of it. It worsen especially during night-time.
This totally spoils my mood and wasted my time for working on this internet connection whenever i wanna blog, msn, play friendster or check stuff in hotmail. So unproductive. I cannot even upload pictures probably even after trying it for upteem times. Imagine you are happily browsing through and uploading your pics into blogger, then when you click the 'start uploading' button, after loading and lagging for a while, the page will appear such a thing as : "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage", and give explanation like you may have lost internet connection etc etc. I definitely got tired of this phrase and i never ever wanna see it appear in my computer page again.
There's so many things which i wanna blog about today but it just simply turns me off.
I'm very affected by it thats why i dedicated a post to the router and laptop in my house. Thanks for taking your precious time to read my ramblings.
Cheers people!
Nights! =)
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
We're in this Easter season once again! CHEERS!! I am so glad that i went for svr in both JW and expo. What else can i say? I really salute to the drama team people, be it the actors, backstage ppl, sound crew ppl and those that simply sacrifice their life and time to make this drama work so well. 2 different drama, 2 different cast, happening at 2 different locations.
I am lazy to type more.
Shall present the pictures for today, you can see that we're still a child-at-heart by playing with all those interesting stuff at the carnival. hahas, yea but im so proud of it, proud of being a child-at-heart. 我是一个大孩子! 哈哈! (though i din join them playing but my heart was with them! hees. )
Suddenly i have this idea of going for blood donations next year when i turn 16 because since 16 is the min. required age.
Just wonder if my parents would agree to it and would i really pick up the courage to go for it. Frankly speaking i'm afraid of PAIN and i will probably faint~ upon seeing blood.. My legs always become soft and wobbly when i see blood. arghh..
Er jie recently downloaded a programme in her laptop that can record whatever songs we want from the internet. So i just need to simply play the song and then press the 'record' button at the top and it'll be recorded down in the laptop. ~So cool ar~ But i wonder if the programme is a legal one. hahas! Once again, HAPPY EASTER TO EVERYONE.
i just changed my blogskin.
How's it? Or do you prefer the previous one? Give some comment ya? THANKS PEOPLE! :)
We're in this Easter season once again! CHEERS!! I am so glad that i went for svr in both JW and expo. What else can i say? I really salute to the drama team people, be it the actors, backstage ppl, sound crew ppl and those that simply sacrifice their life and time to make this drama work so well. 2 different drama, 2 different cast, happening at 2 different locations.
I am lazy to type more.
Shall present the pictures for today, you can see that we're still a child-at-heart by playing with all those interesting stuff at the carnival. hahas, yea but im so proud of it, proud of being a child-at-heart. 我是一个大孩子! 哈哈! (though i din join them playing but my heart was with them! hees. )
Suddenly i have this idea of going for blood donations next year when i turn 16 because since 16 is the min. required age.
Just wonder if my parents would agree to it and would i really pick up the courage to go for it. Frankly speaking i'm afraid of PAIN and i will probably faint~ upon seeing blood.. My legs always become soft and wobbly when i see blood. arghh..
Er jie recently downloaded a programme in her laptop that can record whatever songs we want from the internet. So i just need to simply play the song and then press the 'record' button at the top and it'll be recorded down in the laptop. ~So cool ar~ But i wonder if the programme is a legal one. hahas! Once again, HAPPY EASTER TO EVERYONE.
i just changed my blogskin.
How's it? Or do you prefer the previous one? Give some comment ya? THANKS PEOPLE! :)
Friday, March 14, 2008
My week, holidays..
Its gonna be a review of the week. Monday-Friday, how my holidays goes like :)
Been long since i last did a mon-fri update.
Praise God! Mummy won lottory again, so i woke up with a sudden blessing of 50 dollars placed on my table :) The best thing was she actually initiated to bring me out and get a new phone without even me opening my mouth to ask for it. I wanted a phone badly! Was very happy and surprise upon receiving her msg on the train. Once again, God is never too early or too late, He's always just right on time.
So she brought me out at night to 900++ to search for phone, her buget was only $100plus but i ended up buying a $220 second hand phone. hahas! lols but anyway, i bought it at Sunday Mobile, the uncle was SUPER GOOD to give me a $10 discount and hp pouch for free, NICE :) ( but i lost it in the train just now! ARGHHHH!! SAD! ANGRY!! im gonna get a same new one back!)
Catch "Leap Years" with Sin Yee at Cathy Cine. Quite like it and enjoyed myself during the show but din cry though. ( i finished a big pack of ruffles while watching) Not really very touching to me. The storyline is too "perfect" but rather a fantasty girls would fall in love with. Afterall i would rate it a just pass :) I like the story but it doesnt really capture me. hahas.
Raining cats and dogs since morning.
Slept till 11plus and meet Melody to Ang Moi Kio Kbox. it was SUPER COLD inside the air-con room especially adding to the cold weather outside. couldn't stand the cold, was shivering while singing~~~. "K" many of F.I.R songs as well and we manage to smuggle Subway into kbox. heeeees =)
CG BBQ at Preston's Condo. the 1st time ever in my life having a bbq in wet weather. It was raining the whole of this holiday, but was fruitful and fun :) especially fun having to carry an umbrella with you to and fro to the bbq pik and . shelter. Got to know many of Sin Yee 's friends, they're sec 1, so cuutteeee... Brought my friend along too, had fun playing the 'trading game' and another one but i forgot the name =)
Pictures taken at the bbq :

Been long since i last did a mon-fri update.
Praise God! Mummy won lottory again, so i woke up with a sudden blessing of 50 dollars placed on my table :) The best thing was she actually initiated to bring me out and get a new phone without even me opening my mouth to ask for it. I wanted a phone badly! Was very happy and surprise upon receiving her msg on the train. Once again, God is never too early or too late, He's always just right on time.
So she brought me out at night to 900++ to search for phone, her buget was only $100plus but i ended up buying a $220 second hand phone. hahas! lols but anyway, i bought it at Sunday Mobile, the uncle was SUPER GOOD to give me a $10 discount and hp pouch for free, NICE :) ( but i lost it in the train just now! ARGHHHH!! SAD! ANGRY!! im gonna get a same new one back!)
Catch "Leap Years" with Sin Yee at Cathy Cine. Quite like it and enjoyed myself during the show but din cry though. ( i finished a big pack of ruffles while watching) Not really very touching to me. The storyline is too "perfect" but rather a fantasty girls would fall in love with. Afterall i would rate it a just pass :) I like the story but it doesnt really capture me. hahas.
Raining cats and dogs since morning.
Slept till 11plus and meet Melody to Ang Moi Kio Kbox. it was SUPER COLD inside the air-con room especially adding to the cold weather outside. couldn't stand the cold, was shivering while singing~~~. "K" many of F.I.R songs as well and we manage to smuggle Subway into kbox. heeeees =)
CG BBQ at Preston's Condo. the 1st time ever in my life having a bbq in wet weather. It was raining the whole of this holiday, but was fruitful and fun :) especially fun having to carry an umbrella with you to and fro to the bbq pik and . shelter. Got to know many of Sin Yee 's friends, they're sec 1, so cuutteeee... Brought my friend along too, had fun playing the 'trading game' and another one but i forgot the name =)
Pictures taken at the bbq :

Out to town with Lydia and Shimin. Had our lunch at Pastamania, i ordered "tuna and bacon pasta" with drinks and garlic bread while Shimin and Lydia had the bakerice. Hmm well i actually prefer the garlic bread to the pasta. Anyway catch "Step Out 2" after lunch, i like the dancing and romance part in the show but overall the show doesnt interest me. hahas sorry maybe i dunno how to appreciate it but just feel thats its not my type. Recently there's no kick to the movies i've watched so..... sorry =) felt that i've been wasting money away watching movie that don't deserve my spending.
Took many pictures ytd but haven got any of them yet. Shall upload once i got them from both of the girls.
I was deciding whether to still go down powerhouse after going orchard with them.
I DID IT! I went down powerhouse to pray by my own. Did my own quiet time in the room and no one was there. i had all the space. Was great. I'm a complative type of person and i enjoy spending quiet and quality moments alone with God. Its amazing to settle/quiet down your heart from the fast-pace and just sit down and enjoy being in the presence of God and find God. There's so much more i am/need to learn to settle myself down in the presence of God. Focusing, setting aside your burdens/troubles, getting your heart right before God and many many more.
I'm yet to finish my homework. arghh.. needa chiong tml!
Wait till i upload all the photos.! I need to have my beauty sleep already. TAke CarE peOple!! :)
Monday, March 10, 2008
I've signed in to blogger. FINALLY! hahas!
Anyway, Jasmine tagged me* (quite some time ago, sorry for being late..)
I was asked to write down 7 weird/random facts of myself.
Tadaa.. So here you go......
1. I just lost 2 kg and i want to lose 10 more this year. GANBATEH!
2. Hey, do you know i was once overweight? show you the pic :

5 years ago...
3. I always had this lil' secret desire hidden deep down inside my heart to sing for God. To master Guitar(or other musical instrument) and stand on stage to perform.
4. I love listening to songs that will capture me and fill my soul :)
5. YES. 93.3 is Evelyn's faithful companion especially during exam period.
6. Big bags are my ALL-TIME-FAVOURITE.
7. I can be pretty nasty at home sometimes, hahas.
Lastly, the 7 people whom I want them to state their 7 random/weird facts about themselves:
1. Shimin
2. Jermaine
3. Angel
4. Xiaojiao
5. Candice
6. Wanyi
7. Vivian
*enjoy stating weird or random facts about yourself! LOL
*Random pics*

Anyway, Jasmine tagged me* (quite some time ago, sorry for being late..)
I was asked to write down 7 weird/random facts of myself.
Tadaa.. So here you go......
1. I just lost 2 kg and i want to lose 10 more this year. GANBATEH!
2. Hey, do you know i was once overweight? show you the pic :

5 years ago...
3. I always had this lil' secret desire hidden deep down inside my heart to sing for God. To master Guitar(or other musical instrument) and stand on stage to perform.
4. I love listening to songs that will capture me and fill my soul :)
5. YES. 93.3 is Evelyn's faithful companion especially during exam period.
6. Big bags are my ALL-TIME-FAVOURITE.
7. I can be pretty nasty at home sometimes, hahas.
Lastly, the 7 people whom I want them to state their 7 random/weird facts about themselves:
1. Shimin
2. Jermaine
3. Angel
4. Xiaojiao
5. Candice
6. Wanyi
7. Vivian
*enjoy stating weird or random facts about yourself! LOL
*Random pics*

Yea Jasmine i believe you had a great trip in Taiwan ah. Im so envious!!
Nevermind, my turn shall come soon, very soon! i believe it and i confess it. lols! :)
Nevermind, my turn shall come soon, very soon! i believe it and i confess it. lols! :)
SUNDAY- 09.03.2008.
Today, Johnson shared a message on faithfulness, fruitfulness and faith during cgm.
Jas, indeed what you said is right, beside just being blown away and convicted, you need to be walking and living it out.
Thats what hit and slam me.
Quoted from er jie : " When you're sharing something during cgm, the members knows what you're trying to say and impart, but its often the story that inspires."
catch it? * random*
The basic spiritual disciplines we need to uphold in our lifes inorder to live a life of fruitfulness are praying, reading the bible and fasting. Above and beyond all these we need to further eqiup ourselves by going for bible study. I always know all these on the surface but i now realises the true essence of it.
I need to admit and repent myself before God because i have really not been a faithful Christian these past 2-3 years. I have not been faithfully and consistently reading my bible, fasting and going for bible study. Thats why i feel so unfruitful and miserable at times.
Personal prayer and quiet time can be better and more consistent. thats the word, CONSISTENCY.
YES, even when it is inconvenient, even when i am tired and exhausted.
I cannot be relying on my own strength, i need God's presence and strength to be with me every single day inorder to function well.
It takes courage to admit yourself that you've not been a faithful Christian.
Because we have a fallen nature in us- pride, stubborness, etc..
I want to tell myself that i live my life TOTALLY FOR GOD and i surrender my all to him.
Coming to a place where there's no longer me, but GOD who lives in me.
God dont like us to be lukewarm and double-minded.
I want to be a passionate, on fire and focus Christian like what i used to be.
getting rid of the lukewarm-ness in me and getting back to that first love that i have for God.
Doing something new for Him.
I know there's SO SO SO MUCH God has instored for me in this lifetime and till eternity.
I want to please God, serve Him and serve His people.
I dont want to waste my life.
I need to get rid and conquer all these pan jiao shi in my life.
There's so much God want to give me, and He is waiting for me to be constant, ready and prepared.
Mrs Teng said something very true, its draining me physically and spiritually.
God spoke to me something which i've not been aware of. But im glad God spoke to me- about servanthood.
By being willing to serve even when its inconvenient, when no one is watching, taking note of the little things/details. Because little details determines your DESTINY.
To serve Him, your leaders, your friends, family and the world.!
If God gives you little things to do yet you're unable and unwilling to fulfill them, how can He then entrust bigger/greater things for you in the future? There's no ownership, no responsibilty, no desire.
Dont come to a point like Judah, doing something wrong until there's eventually no returning. Until He finally felt guilty and miserable before God and hung himself.
Meanwhile guys, dont ever give up on God. I hope what i wrote really encourages you.
Some are just random, it may not be linked with the previous paragraph.
Nothing in life is ever wasted, God gave you that very precious, individual(though it may be painful) experience so you can use it to encourage another person who may be going through the same struggle as you in the future. Saying things like: "i really understand how you feel" and "i've gone through the same struggle as you in the past" can really bring conviction and encouragement to them.
You never know what God has planned.
Jas, indeed what you said is right, beside just being blown away and convicted, you need to be walking and living it out.
Thats what hit and slam me.
Quoted from er jie : " When you're sharing something during cgm, the members knows what you're trying to say and impart, but its often the story that inspires."
catch it? * random*
The basic spiritual disciplines we need to uphold in our lifes inorder to live a life of fruitfulness are praying, reading the bible and fasting. Above and beyond all these we need to further eqiup ourselves by going for bible study. I always know all these on the surface but i now realises the true essence of it.
I need to admit and repent myself before God because i have really not been a faithful Christian these past 2-3 years. I have not been faithfully and consistently reading my bible, fasting and going for bible study. Thats why i feel so unfruitful and miserable at times.
Personal prayer and quiet time can be better and more consistent. thats the word, CONSISTENCY.
YES, even when it is inconvenient, even when i am tired and exhausted.
I cannot be relying on my own strength, i need God's presence and strength to be with me every single day inorder to function well.
It takes courage to admit yourself that you've not been a faithful Christian.
Because we have a fallen nature in us- pride, stubborness, etc..
I want to tell myself that i live my life TOTALLY FOR GOD and i surrender my all to him.
Coming to a place where there's no longer me, but GOD who lives in me.
God dont like us to be lukewarm and double-minded.
I want to be a passionate, on fire and focus Christian like what i used to be.
getting rid of the lukewarm-ness in me and getting back to that first love that i have for God.
Doing something new for Him.
I know there's SO SO SO MUCH God has instored for me in this lifetime and till eternity.
I want to please God, serve Him and serve His people.
I dont want to waste my life.
I need to get rid and conquer all these pan jiao shi in my life.
There's so much God want to give me, and He is waiting for me to be constant, ready and prepared.
Mrs Teng said something very true, its draining me physically and spiritually.
God spoke to me something which i've not been aware of. But im glad God spoke to me- about servanthood.
By being willing to serve even when its inconvenient, when no one is watching, taking note of the little things/details. Because little details determines your DESTINY.
To serve Him, your leaders, your friends, family and the world.!
If God gives you little things to do yet you're unable and unwilling to fulfill them, how can He then entrust bigger/greater things for you in the future? There's no ownership, no responsibilty, no desire.
Dont come to a point like Judah, doing something wrong until there's eventually no returning. Until He finally felt guilty and miserable before God and hung himself.
Meanwhile guys, dont ever give up on God. I hope what i wrote really encourages you.
Some are just random, it may not be linked with the previous paragraph.
Nothing in life is ever wasted, God gave you that very precious, individual(though it may be painful) experience so you can use it to encourage another person who may be going through the same struggle as you in the future. Saying things like: "i really understand how you feel" and "i've gone through the same struggle as you in the past" can really bring conviction and encouragement to them.
You never know what God has planned.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
If I Ain't Got You - Alicia Keys
This is one of my favourite song and I've been searching it for nearly 3 years. Reason because i forgot the song's name and i have not been seriously searching. hehes. Thanks Er Jie for finding it for me! THANK YOU SO MUCH :)
This song left a deep impression on me, i first heard it during Emerge 2005 Talentime. I guess its because of Emerge life-changing experience that it left such a great impact on me especially during that season. I'm glad i've found the song and the singer who sang it- Alicia Keys.
If I Ain't Got You
Mmmmmm Mmmm mm ooo
Some people live for the fortune
Some people live just for the fame
Some people live for the power, yeah
Some people live just to play the game
Some people think that the physical things
Define what's within
And I've been there before
But that life's a bore
So full of the superficial
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, Yeah
Some people search for a fountain
That promises forever young
Some people need three dozen roses
And that's the only way to prove you love them
Hand me the world on a silver platter
And what good would it be
With no one to share
With no one who truly cares for me
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, you, you
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, yeah
If I ain't got you with me baby
So nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a thing
If I ain't got you with me baby
This song left a deep impression on me, i first heard it during Emerge 2005 Talentime. I guess its because of Emerge life-changing experience that it left such a great impact on me especially during that season. I'm glad i've found the song and the singer who sang it- Alicia Keys.
If I Ain't Got You
Mmmmmm Mmmm mm ooo
Some people live for the fortune
Some people live just for the fame
Some people live for the power, yeah
Some people live just to play the game
Some people think that the physical things
Define what's within
And I've been there before
But that life's a bore
So full of the superficial
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, Yeah
Some people search for a fountain
That promises forever young
Some people need three dozen roses
And that's the only way to prove you love them
Hand me the world on a silver platter
And what good would it be
With no one to share
With no one who truly cares for me
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, you, you
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, yeah
If I ain't got you with me baby
So nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a thing
If I ain't got you with me baby
Sunday, March 02, 2008
F.I.R . 飞儿乐团
F.I.R came to perform yesterday. And i never know i can be SOOOOOOOO CRAZY OVER THEM! I even went to queue up after svr to get their autograph on my bible and banglet, and yes as contented as i am. Especially proud to have it on my banglet, both 阿沁 and 飞儿's autograph. thank God for Ger' friend who gave me that crazy and great idea, hahas. :)
I was so touched and blessed by their life testimony shared during the svr, and you can see how God uses hungry and passionate people like them to bring such great influence to the people in both the entertainment industry and people around them.
So i was standing, shouting, screaming, busy taking out my handphone as ,singing along and waving my hands all throughout their performance. my heart was burning with fire(over- ) I kept telling jp and sin yee that i couln't believe F.I.R is just infront of my eyes performing for the church.
I am not a fan of F.I.R but i really enjoyed myself ytd.
Another thing that caught my eyes was the geuine love that flows out of real's eyes so naturally while singing 三个心愿 to faye. I was so convicted by how much real loved faye so unconditionally and faye is so xin fu! haha! yea a spiritual guy is always the best. It reminds me of Liu Geng Hong's proposal to Vivi during Emerge 2007. I can never forget, it left such a great impression on me. HAHAS! i've seen how a celebrity proposed LIVE and am very touched by their love for one another.
So i fall in love more with F.I.R's songs after ytd. i always admire them for writting such great songs.
This is one of my favourite, 三个心愿 and im going to put this song up in my blog!
I was so touched and blessed by their life testimony shared during the svr, and you can see how God uses hungry and passionate people like them to bring such great influence to the people in both the entertainment industry and people around them.
So i was standing, shouting, screaming, busy taking out my handphone as ,singing along and waving my hands all throughout their performance. my heart was burning with fire(over- ) I kept telling jp and sin yee that i couln't believe F.I.R is just infront of my eyes performing for the church.
I am not a fan of F.I.R but i really enjoyed myself ytd.
Another thing that caught my eyes was the geuine love that flows out of real's eyes so naturally while singing 三个心愿 to faye. I was so convicted by how much real loved faye so unconditionally and faye is so xin fu! haha! yea a spiritual guy is always the best. It reminds me of Liu Geng Hong's proposal to Vivi during Emerge 2007. I can never forget, it left such a great impression on me. HAHAS! i've seen how a celebrity proposed LIVE and am very touched by their love for one another.
So i fall in love more with F.I.R's songs after ytd. i always admire them for writting such great songs.
This is one of my favourite, 三个心愿 and im going to put this song up in my blog!
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