Hello everybody!
The reason for blogging in my previous post is because my internt is having some problems and i couldn't create a new post, thus i have to blog in my previous one.
Finally today i had my last paper, so i do not have to stay up late till midnight to study anymore.
My little ingredients of life - happiness and love, and not forgetting music and singing=) Thats what i love to do yea. I shall continue loving and doing it till the end of my life.
oh maybe that sounded far too serious. But well....
okay, I'm getting a little sentimental and emotional right now, guess its the song that I'm listening to that kind of set me thinking.
Been having quite alot of thoughts recently, if you have been reading my past few entries i've been taking about life..
I think life is a litte too short and precious for us to waste and to drain away our energy for something that will shortchange us(which isn't worth it at all).
Childish thinking, immature behavios, taking things forgranted. lets all wake up from our idea and get on our butt to do something much more significant.
You're never too young to do something great, it lies within yourself to believe it.
Don't despise your youth, life 's too short to be wasted, whats more about youth.
I want to leave a LEGACY and see day BIG BIG picture in my youth day.
No regrets. I will never want to lie on the rocking chair thinking i've wasted all my life away.
Thats life. Take it or Live it.
This is the song i'm listening to.
8 May 2008

I shouldn't be blogging right now.
The intense studying every night can finally come to an end to give me some space to breathe.
I got a cut on my hand while tuning the guitar ytd. how cool ah. hahas.
"隐形超人"- Amber. 郭采洁
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