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Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Hi guys, i have decided to leave aside blogger for a while. I'm currently switched to xanga. Wanted to choose livejournal in the 1st place but i do not want spoil the good impression livejournal gave to me. i shall still reserve it as my private blog. I just wanted get right for a while and smell the breath of heaven so i'm still sticking to blogging but just somewhere different. I find blogger a lil' too common and commercialize so i need somewhere more peaceful and simple . haha. Okay, actually its just that i wanna go somewhere where i feel comfortable writing down my thoughts and i hope my own experiences will help some of my friends and readers in a lil' way. :) Writing down what i believes and just penning down my thoughts :)
still deciding whether to choose livejournal but i'll be at xanga for the time-being.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
i seriously don't know whether that true but internet is really powerful ah.. :D
Alright, finally she revive her blog. Her blog is filled with lots of youtube video, her own self-penned lyrics, her imeem singing, books reviews and also a lil' design stuff.
She just started blogging. Show her some support!
check it out baby. haha.
Yeah, and on the another note, according to Nuffnang.
This is where my blog visitors come from..
SINGAPORE | 81.8% |
ARGENTINA | 0.8% |
MALAYSIA | 0.8% |
i seriously don't know whether that true but internet is really powerful ah.. :D
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Oh yeah.. I didn't go to school today cause ima having check up at KK .
ahahahaa. i miss school!!
and exams are coming, so i can't miss anymore lessons..
i don't feel like going for check up. Its a lil' troublesome. But nevertheless, i still have to turn up.
oh and ya, i realize i got readers from the States according to Nuffang. But i'm not sure whether thats accurate. hehees.
OKAY i got to go! see ya :D
Monday, September 08, 2008
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Mind Cafe :)
Went Mind Cafe with some of the xw ppl today. haha. it was super fun playing cards with them. They are all so crazy. But it was a lil' hard to get to that place. i was mislead by a passer-by and thus i nearly lost my way and i walked for 30 min in total for reaching there. hahaha. sounds funny =)
anyway, played lots of violent games today... like trading and ugly. WAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ~~~ i became a lil' more violent tooooooo~~~~~

anyway, played lots of violent games today... like trading and ugly. WAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ~~~ i became a lil' more violent tooooooo~~~~~

The appetizer (tuna macaroni salad), main course (Beef Lasagna) and our dessert (Fudge cake brownie plus vanilla ice cream)!
wahahha, thank God i din eat much in the afternoon today. And also thanks xinwei for the treat! :)
Alright, its getting late. School is restarting tml. In a few hours time. I've completed chapter 11 of my physic 10 years series and workbook. still left with chapter 12 to finish.
GAMATE. gonna finish it by tonight.
good night everyone =)
be back to update more of my thoughts. haha :)
My house short-circuit yesterday night. I think someone play a prank outside my door. How bo liao are they. hahahaaaa.

By the way, i've started xanga but i guess ima not gonna blog there. Just wanna make there a place where i store my collection of photos. Be it photos of cg outing, school events, celebrities or even my own masterpiece. hee i've had to many blogs so i think i'll leave xanga for keeping my pictures so they won't be here and there in my folders in helen lappy.
Accompanied Xin En to go down for Derrick He Wei Jian's autograph session at J8 yesterday. Felt a lil guilty cos i wasn't really his fan.. But well~~~ He can dance and sing very well and he is soooooo friendly! He would say 'hi' and shook hands with everyone who goes up to the stage to get his autograph.
Its PeiFen hosting the event.
Derrick singing..
Autographing~~ :)
Alright thats all for today i'm still yet to finish my holiday assignment so ima gonna CHIONG NOW!!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Kbox with AMY today!

But sorry Amy, i wasn't really in the mood to sing today.
We left Chinatown kbox at 6 and waited for our buses to head back home. 851 passed by the familiar Riverwalk at Clarke Quay, the Bak Kut Teh shop, the Mica building and Funan Mall. It reminded me that i haven been to Power House for a very long time. And it also reminded me that how, during the starting of this year, how i passed by these places having visions in my mind i wanna fulfill.
How i planned my goals as i walked over to Power House.
The happy thing is, i still have 1 more month till End Of Year Exams and 3 more months left to counting down to year 2009.
God has been really good these 9 months and i believe this last lap of the year will be really fruitful. :)
P.S : AMY, thank you for the Durian Puff treat! Lil' things do matter! take care alright :) catch up with you again soon! :D:D:D:D:D
BY2 <不够成熟>
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Rainy Day.. again.. 03.09.08
It has been raining almost everday for at least the past 2-3 weeks. I've took lots of photos and videos of it as i pass by places where it rains. I have been cultivating this habit lately of capturing down pictures depicting rainy days. It is nice isn't it?
hahaha. But of course, the picture on the left is not taken by me. I grabbed it from deviantart. =)
Been long since i last shared smth personal. Shall update more about my life and feelings very soon.
stay tuned guys :)
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Hey yo! HAPPY BIRTHDAY XIAOEILEEN! Celebrated her bday at Pastamania @ PS today with some of the CCH ppl. David treated all of us with pastamania! hahahaha. hope we din burn a hole in his pocket. Well, i don't think that cost a bomb anyway. haha. BUT THANK YOU FOR THE TREAT! Xiaoeileen, hope ya enjoyed the celebration, liked the prezzie and the card :)
hehehees, okay so as promised. shall post up only glam pictures plus the celebration video with mostly only david and my voice that are heard. :P

Eileen saying her 感谢词(speech) and some candid shots :)
And lastly, the celebration video!
Stepping into the holidays. I thought to myself that i must get things renewed. Yes, no more procrastinating and excuses.
I have had too much of holidays already, its time to get recharge and start things all over again.
FIRST STEP : I/you have to believe that we can make it! ( be it studying, fulfilling homework or clearing our rubbish on our study tables and bookshelves)
2nd STEP- I/you have to do it out in actions!
"faith without works is dead"
"faith with works works".
It is always easy to talk the talk but not walk the walk. I have to learn.. and i have to make it.
good night everyone. Its gonna be a busy day today!
Counting to school-reopen : 5 days :)
Monday, September 01, 2008
WALL E - a day out with Shimin :D

Went to catch WALL-E with Shimin today and the movie was rather touching and funny! haha.
It has been a long while since we last went out with each other.. And we went to Cineleisure again to have our subway and catch our movie. Bumped into JQ at Herren after our movie. haha.
Went to my cousins Seth, Tessa and Samuel's house yesterday! Took lots of photos of my adorable cousins!
Tessa and us :)

Baby Samuel ! With his big round eyes and cheerful smile :) He's only a month plus old..

Hi peeps! Just a little update about life. What should i blog about...
Just some random updates and thoughts bah. Shouldn't get too limited and restricted in blogging. Actually i do owe a private blog in livejournal. No one knows it and no one can get access to it. I remember i started blogging in livejournal 2 years ago, under the influence of June ( she used to blog in livejournal last time).
I started this private blog because i was too stressed up and depressed about life and school thus i was searching for some ways to release my emotions. I remembered i will often burst out while i was blogging cos i was really stressed up. Sometimes we focus on the negative too much and that make us ended up feeling the same way we thought to ourselves. Thats the power of our mind ya.
Back to the blogging in livejournal, i guess that is the private place where i release my emotions and write down all my precious memories i have with God. Like the revelations i got, the promises i heard from Him and all the encouraging and uplifting words i heard from God, i will write it down, wanting to keep it as a record of my good memories and encounters with God.
I really couldn't find anywhere else where i feel comfortable writing all my thoughts. Partly because i am afraid how people will think of me and how they will judge me.
I am a person who don't really find opening up to share my problems an easy thing to so i express it into words in my blogs. I don't really care what kind of words and type of languages i use and how i my sentences. Because the most important thing is that i feel comfortable of the things i do.
I came across many blogs thru the internet which their entries encouraged me deeply during my times of need. Reading thru their testimonies and past experiences inspired me to want to become someone like them one day in the future. I truly believe that nothing and no one's experience is a waste to the world. Everything has a purpose and you can never underestimate its power to influence another individual. Maybe thats someone who is sitting on the other side of the computer screen reading what you have wrote.
So don't ever despise the little things that you do.
If blogging can be a form of influencing people and changing lives, what else can't?
It simply depends on how you view and value what you do and that determines how far it can go.....
Sunday, August 31, 2008
I don't have a good impression of Singtel anymore.
They calculated my bill wrongly again. I am seriously very annoyed by them.
According to my friends, this is not the 1st time such things happen. And i believe singtel is not the only company which will send miscalculated bills to their customers, the company with Helen uses have this kind of problems as well.
I don't think this is good service.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Hey yo! I am back super early today!I reached home at 9! So seldom to be able to reach home at 9pm during saturdays!

hahas. So yeah. I am lazy to update in words so ima just gonna post the pictures up!
HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY TEACHER XINWEI! Guifang presenting the card to Xinwei :D
Looking at the card....
XW zone ppl! Issac missing..
We love you TEACHER XINWEI! Always respecting you!
Would like to show all of our appreciation to our beloved Fang Xin Wei!
Hey! thank you for all your sacrifices and love for us and the kids.
And personally, teacher xinwei you have impacted and made a difference in my life and i wanna thank you for visiting me when i was much younger! I used to be a very timid and introvert girl but you and the cch teachers have always been showering me with love and caused me to open up myself.
I don't use to be loud and so talkative infront of ppl last time.
Thank you for all the encouragements and for believing in me. I still remember i was an hour late for cch the 1st time i did busing by myself. haha.
Thank you for being so lenient on me when i wasn't doing very well in school and the few smses and calls which i din reply and pick up actually gave me great encouragements.
I am really sorry for being uncontactable for visitation sometimes but thanks for the grace and for not scolding me. And definitely not forgetting your effort for smsing me during my bday this year. Its always the lil' things that counts yeah.
You are a inspiration for me to becoming a better CCH teacher. Especially in the area of being more loving, caring, accountable, sharp, effective and available for more busing and visitation. I will not despite my youth and i will continue to serve in children church until God calls me on another mission. haha.
Be blessed and have a wonderful wedding ceremony and marriage life with your wife! :D
You guys are the coolest and the most good-looking teachers i've ever seen.
You guys convicted me that teachers can all be angels and not devils! haha!

Back to update! hahaha first of all. Wishing all the teachers a 'HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY!'.
Today's celebration in school was fun. I especially love that part where the teachers acted in the skit. They really 'chu ka liao' ! haha.
Actually i didn't intend to return to Peixin today but Melody and JP managed to persuade me. So yeah, i went back and i'm happy that i did! Saw a few friends of mine and some of them really changed alot, while some still remains the same. haa.
Peixin changed alot as well, it was so different compared with last time.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I was munching on Ruffles potato chips while i got hooked on this Reader's Digest Feb issue.
It has been left on my study table for while so i decided i would just take a look at it.
And amazingly i saw an article on "The Nights I Spent In My Car". It was a true account of the story of a girl who had a broken childhood and whom due some relationships and other problems, lived in her car for nearly 9 months. Having to suffer and survive without a proper shelter, job, food to eat, friends to depend on and constant shifting to different places to park her car and settled herself.
Her story was eventually published in May 2007, into a book name ' The True Story Of A Little Girl Who didn't belong' .
Her story got noticed through her blog updates . CLICK!
It was really a very encouraging story. Thank God reader's digest published it. I am definitely going to get this book!
That is the power of internet! and how each and every single one of our experiences can touch the lives of another individual!
the video made my classmates.
TAdaaaa~~ Its SUPER FUNNY! enjoy!
Sometimes i felt that i have really missed out alot. And i wonder why do i keep pressing on so much.
I feel that many times, giving up seems to be the easiest way out. Easier than persevering.
But i know i cannot give up. Because i have a purpose . That is why i hold on to it so tightly. No matter how many times i failed, how many times i felt so depressing.
So i am not gonna give up. I believe that one's experience can be so precious. It can be a form of encouragement to another.
If it is not because of God, i think i had long given up. I wouldn't have been so stubborn.
He gave me the strength that i always needed, He gave me the peace and assurance in my heart.
Making me fulfill something i've never thought of fulfilling in my life before.
He has always been by my side, He will never give up on me. So i believe this time He will be the same also.
Supporting me and always by my side. Giving me strength to overcome all my obstacles.
i thought of one song right, it is "Everything In Its Time" by Corrinnemay.
I always thought that the lyrics is great.
' there are a thousand reasons why i should give up,
but i am stubborn in the things i believe' .
Yeah, thats the attitude! That is why i can choose to give up but i didn't. I chose to walk the narrow way.
It is not easy at all. But i believe i will walk along this road with God and i will have victory at the end. :)
Some memories of Sun and us. Really miss her. The last time i saw her was like nearly a year ago..
Farewell at the airport, The last time we see Sun face to face :)
June 2007 ( Bday celebration for her in advance)
May 2007 (Sun's testimony and singing!)
Sun is someone i always look up to in life :) I guess we all miss her like mad!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Yesterday was our very own SOT graduation service and i am more than happy to announce that my second sister, HELEN CHEN QITING was officially graduated from SOT! *CONGRATULATIONS!!!* *CLAPS CLAPS! ROUND OF APPLAUDS FOR HER!!!*
It was really a miracle that she is able graduate from SOT, haha shall not go into further details about that but God is really good yea. It was a very touching service ytd cos we celebrated Pastor Kong's birthday during svr.
I was on the verge of tears when the singers sang that Hero song while the video was being played. Pst Kong is really my HERO and HE ROCKS!
It has been such an amazing journey of faithfulness, sacrifice and courage. His beliefs, unconditioned love and actions have moved me tremendously and inspired me to look up to him as such a great and living example in life. And yeah, our journey as a church has only just started! Yesterday's bday celebration really touches and moved my heart deeply.
Yoyoyo! Today was the movie screening for 'Money Not Enough 2' at expo hall 8 and i've enjoyed myself! It was very rare to catch a movie inside expo hall but the feeling is good. Cos we're all familiar with that place and its so easy and convenient to get to the washroom and etc.
We had a chance to watch the entire movie and after that we had some live performances from the cast's actors.
okay so without further ado, let me present to you the pictures for these 2 fruitful days! :D

Friday, August 22, 2008
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