So many things on my mind to blog about but just don't know where to start with..
hahas maybe i should wait till next time to pen down my thoughts. Just came back from cg and fellowship with Wanyi,Vian and Chris at Sakura.
I've been thinking how long am i still gonna wait to be able to go and learn singing and have tuition.
But the financial situation at home now don't allow..
But its OK! Its fine!
I believe and trust in God that as i continue to sow in His kingdom and be patient to wait upon His blessings, one day what i desire in my heart shall come to pass.
Indeed, "Blessed are those who have not seen yet believe it in their heart."
I just wanna trust God like a child, having childlike faith.
I wanna don't care when it is gonna happen, but i know and simply believe it will come to pass very soon. Yes, very soon. I believe in God!
The feeling and process of waiting ain't that good. But "so-what"?
God still love me and i still love Him. I know He has something greater in stored for me, i don't need to worry a single bit and He is gonna blow me away with something i've never think or imagine.
Went Mushroom farm with the kids ytd. How cute, little children going to mushroom farm. hahas..

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