Thank God for the grace and strength to study :)
Have more to catch up. Thank you for all the care and concern friends. And definitely not forgetting your prayers, thank you for everything :)
It wasn't easy to study, haha i mean everybody will agree with that. But studying is actually very fun yea. I mean, beside the stress and everything, but knowledge is POWER!
Stress make up grow and we have to handle stress in order to learn the way of life. Cos thats just life.
haha and life is so fun! We just have to learn to appreciate and enjoy life :)
Okay back to studying, i love to study at Woodlands library. The place is so quiet and peaceful. But its too quiet that i can't sing while i was studying ( i always sing while i study at home/in school/BK). But still, thats a good place to concentrate and have a fruitful time studying.
OH YA, do you guys remember i once mentioned about this song called ' 不够成熟' and i posted it up 1 month plus ago?
This song is sang by a pair of Singapore 16 years old twins called 'BY2' and they just released their first album.
Don't 小看他们哦 though they are only 16 years old. They can dance very well and they are very talented. I think they are history makers. hahahaha.
Bought their album at CD Rama today after i studied.
Let me post up their MV for you guys :)
The ' 不夠成熟''s lyrics i've posted it up at my June's post. You can scroll down for the lyrics :)
Visit their blog at OR
By2 "不夠成熟"
By2 "PP別黏在椅上"