Pastor Kong preached about FOCUSing and setting NEW YEAR GOALS yesterday. What i've been waiting for all this while! I am often lost at how to set new years goals. Yupps, so with the guidelines that Pastor Kong has taught, it is made much more easier and clearer.
A great message to kick start the year, definitely prepared me to stay really FOCUS and confindent this time round.
These are some goals i'm focusing this year :
I've gained weight. Even Mrs Teng said so ( my heart was broken upon hearing that, hahas lols just kidding! i am very optimistic!)
Anyway, this has been my goal ever since primary school. I've succeeded it by losing weight from being an overweight person to an accepted weight girl. But there's always more room for improvement. I want to lose 12 kg this year, 1kg every month. This means adopting to a healthier lifestyle of eating and exercising more. So with great determination, i believe i can do it alright! AMEN, IF YOU CAN SEE IT, YOU CAN HAVE IT!
-Taking up singing lessons
-PRAY every single day. ( spiritual disciplines)
honestly speaking, i dont pray every single day. Even if i does, it is often not very fruitful because i rushed it through. i want to spend QUALITY time with God EVERY SINGLE DAY. having encounters after encounters and getting connected with God once again. It is very essential for me if i want to fulfil God's promises in my life. Ultimately, i think it is the love, desire and willingly you have for God matter the most. God must be the number 1 priority of my everyday from now on. I have to reach home by 3.3opm latest so i can do my quiet time at an apporiate time when i won't feel tired and fall asleep.
-Excel in my studies.
I want to be able write better and improve in my english. I dont think my stardards of english now can offer me to score an "A" during exams.
yes, my aim is an "A". no more just passing and bonderline stardards. Reading more books definately helps. shall aim for "B" in mid year and "A" by next year.
Of course not neglecting other subjects including chinese. My goals are scoring 'As' and 'Bs' and not failing any subjects which i think are doerable and possible because i only fail one last year.
yea, more to come and i shall write it in my 'GOAL setting card 2008'.
"You fail to plan, you plan to fail"
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